Sunday, 28 December 2014

Baby Digital Thermometers Buyers Guide

Every parent must own a thermometer. In an effort to promote accuracy, it is important that parents invest in a digital thermometer. While many parents may debate the usual temperature check with the palm of their hands, they cannot tell of how far the temperatures are. More so for small children who are not able to easily express themselves.

The market is flooded with hundreds of baby digital thermometers and it is important that you buy one that will suit your objectives. While there are different types of digital thermometers, selecting the right one will help you read your baby's temperature without any difficulties.

Factors to Look Out For When Buying a Digital Baby Thermometer
Since the digital thermometers are quite a number, the following are factors to put into consideration.

·         Age of your baby
Different thermometers are designed to cater for different age groups of children. While rectal thermometers can be used with children of all ages, they have also been noted to create some sort of discomfort. In this, it is recommended that it is used with children of the age of three months and less. This is because they are bound to stay put. Older children will attempt to squirm and they may injure themselves in the process.

Rectal thermometers are more suitable for children of the age of 4 years and above. Younger children will not be able to hold the thermometer until you are able to get a reading. Also, it may be dangerous for younger children as their active movement may hurt their mouth causing more problems rather than solving them.

·         The method of reading temperatures against your kid's character
There are different ways of reading baby temperatures. This will depend with the type of temperature too. In this, you will need to take advantage of understanding your child's character so as to make the right purchase. Some thermometers are designed to take their readings from the ear while others are designed to use the rectum.

If your child will not sit still either because he is hurting from the possible sickness or because he is just too hyped, then you can purchase the temporal artery thermometer. This thermometer will provide readings just by simply sweeping it through your child's forehead. This is one of the most advanced thermometers the market is currently offering.

·         Cost implications
Depending on the type of digital baby thermometer, the prices are different. For the rectal, oral and under arm thermometers, you will have to part with about $10. Ear thermometers will range between $15 and $60. The more advanced temporal artery thermometers will range between $60 and $100. The difference within their categories comes with the pricing of the brand in question.
·         Safety of the thermometer
Safety in respect to use of baby digital thermometers refers to hygiene as well as risk of hurting your child. In this, assess the material used to make the thermometer.

After use, ensure you clean it thoroughly. This maintains the hygiene of your child. This is applicable for so for rectal thermometers as they may spread bacteria.

Types of Baby Digital Thermometers
This will help you distinguish the different types so that you can be able to distinguish them when seeking to buy. The covered thermometers are more recommended and considered accurate.

·         Multi-use thermometers. This uses a sensor to take readings either orally, rectally or axillary.
·         Rectal thermometers. These are accurate and more advisable for newborn babies. Purchase one that comes with a flexible tip and wide handle to ensure you do not hurt your child.
·         Temporal artery thermometers. These are the latest and more home-use advanced. They are not only safe but also convenient and very comfortable for children. These advantages however come with a higher price tag but it is worth every penny.

Why Invest in a Baby Digital Thermometer

A baby digital thermometer is a necessary tool for every parent. Checking your baby's temperature is important s it provides parents with the knowledge on their child's wellbeing. Not all babies are able to indicate that their temperatures are increasing. A regular check on your child will help you realize if anything is wrong. Digital thermometers are more accurate and fast to help you make deductions. In this, you will be able to check on your child without having to alter their comfort.  

Baby Bottle Brushes Buyers Guide

Once you have chosen your baby's bottle, the next step would be your concern on how to clean it. Cleaning a baby bottle is a sensitive matter as your baby must feed off a clean bottle. This maintains a healthy and happy baby as hygiene is upheld. Though there are many ways of cleaning a baby bottle, the use of a baby bottle brush is most advisable.

Why the Use of a Baby Bottle Brush
There are a number of benefits that come with hand washing your baby's feeding bottle. There are different bottles in the market and they are made of different materials. In this, not all bottles can be dish-washed. The following are benefits of good and quality baby bottle brushes.
·         They are hygienic.
·         They are easy to clean after.
·         They are easy to store away and do not require as much space.
·         They are gentle to the bottle avoiding scratches.

Most Important Features for Baby Bottle Brushes
When looking to buy a baby bottle brush, there are a number of factors to put into consideration. The market is flooded with several baby bottle brushes and many are concerned over which is the best. There are a number of features that cannot be foregone. These include:

·         A brush with more than one type of bristles
For efficiency, a baby bottle brush should come with more than one type of bristles. This will help to scrub and gently clean baby bottles. In the event that there are some stubborn stains, you will be able to scrub and at the same time rinse it off without scratching it. This prevents the need to purchase more than one brush to serve different cleaning purposes.

·         A flexible neck
Baby bottles come in different designs. In this, not all of them are simply cylindrical. Due to these varying designs, you need a baby bottle brush that can bend to reach all corners for cleaning purposes. A flexible neck is the reason you will be able to easily turn the bristles in the right direction.

·         Ventilation allowance
A well ventilated brush will include a number of holes in its design. This is important as it will dry up quickly. This feature is ideal as it makes it possible to use it even while on the move so you can feed your baby over long distance journeys without having to compromise on hygiene.
·         Handle with a firm grip
A firm grip is important in ensuring that it does not slip off your hands when washing. This makes the cleaning process easier and faster. As you are washing your child's feeding bottle, it is also important to ensure that the brush also remains healthy. Sometimes you are forced to wash the feeding bottle out of your kitchen. The firm grip ensures that it does not slip and fall which may result to picking of dirt.

·         One that comes with a storage stand
A baby's tools and equipment are very sensitive. Mixing them with adult utensils is not advisable. In this, a baby bottle brush that comes with its own storage stand is an added feature to ease your hassle over storage equipment.

·         Dishwasher safe
Though the brush is used to ensure your baby's feeding bottle is clean, you also have to make sure that the brush is also clean at all times after use. Looking for a brush that is dish washer friendly is an added advantage. 

·         Its versatile
A brush that can easily clean not just the body of the bottle but also the nipples, Sippy cups or even the breast pump parts is ideal. It will kill more than one bird with the same stone.

Major Concerns on Baby Bottle Brushes
To help shortlist on the baby bottle brush to buy, there are some major concerns that should help you avoid what you do not need. Any fragile materials are a no no. if the bristles tend to be loose, this means it is of poor quality and will not last long. Quality is everything and this will reduce risks attached to any hygienic infections that may occur. As much as color attracts the eye, check to see if it chips off. It is important to ensure that the materials used cannot remain in the bottle. Some may persist even with a thorough rinse. Others may be too small to be noticed.

As you make your decision of the best baby bottle brush for your child, the above should help you settle for the best. This ensures that you obtain the best quality while at the same time it is also easy to maintain and clean after. In addition, it is important to carry out some research before settling for a given brand. There are a number of baby bottle brush reviews online that will help you.

Why Viber is Gaining Popularity

Viber is a mobile app developed by Viber Media that allows users to freely make texts and make calls to members who have the app. Other than the free calls and texts, it also allows individuals exchange their photos, music and even videos. It functions with desktop computers and smartphones on android, mac and windows. This seeks to promote efficiency and ensures that a larger majority of individuals can gain access to its services. This app is easy to use and it does not cost you much to use or maintain it. Its free services are blending in well with the current economic state. To get started, you need 3G or Wi-Fi connection.

It has significantly grown despite its short existence in the market as compared to other similar apps. It has beat a 360 million mark on the number of users and is still attracting more users. These users are active users. The added advantage to this app is that it is not limiting to region. You can make your free call across the continent. Its texting space is facing challenges with competition hot on its tracks.

Though it was developed by Viber Media, it has recently been acquired by Rakuten for $900 million. They have also updated their desktop app which comes with a twist to its visual capabilities and sticker focused. In this, the sticker menu display is more accommodating to users. This is an added advantage that is keeping competition at by for the time being.

Competition is still hot on its tracks with WhatsApp and Skype giving it a run for its services. Though this has been evident, Viber has been adopting some changes to ensure that it maintains and grows its market share. Innovation has been the driving force of Viber and it is not about to lose its market share. 

Sunday, 17 August 2014

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